

At Equus Empordà we offer advanced classes for riders who want to improve their technique and delve deeper into the world of horse riding. The sessions are designed to enhance students’ skills, working on both precision and communication with the horse.

We work on the disciplines of classical dressage and show jumping, adapting training to the needs of each rider. We also prepare for entrance exams to become a sports technician in equestrian sports, offering structured training aimed at success.

In addition, we complement training with natural dressage, a fundamental tool to improve the relationship between rider and horse, promoting fluid and respectful communication.

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More educational offers

Equestrian centres during school holidays with activities, games and outdoor training.
Extracurricular activities
Activitats extraescolars per a nens i joves que volen incorporar l’equitació a la seva rutina.
Classes didàctiques i divertides que treballen tant la base de l'equitació i com el maneig. Les classes d'iniciació s'imparteixen en grups reduïts, amb l'objectiu de poder dedicar una major atenció a cada genet.
Pony Club
Fomentar el respecte per la natura, ensenyar valors als nens com l'ordre, la comprensió i l'amor pels animals, són alguns dels objectiu del Pony Club.
Vocational training degrees
Professional training for those who want to turn their passion for horses into a profession.

Do you want to discover the world of horses?

Come to our school and learn everything you can imagine and more about the
equine world. For all levels and ages, we train you from initiation to perfection.

We work on the Olympic disciplines of Classical Dressage and Show Jumping . We support the learning of these with Natural Dressage , to help our students communicate in a healthy and fluid way with horses, mares and ponies.